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Truth in Taxation 2024

The City Council is considering restoring the City’s Property Tax Rate of 0.001441 from back in 2019. This rate is 12.01% higher than the County Proposed Certified Tax Rate.

A Truth in Taxation Public Hearing has been scheduled for August 13, 2024 at 6:00 pm at City Hall. This hearing will give you as residents an opportunity to express your thoughts to the Council on the property tax rate.

So. Let’s talk about it!!

Notice of Proposed Tax Rate

Where do your Property Taxes Go?

A City’s financial structure has two main parts: governmental services and business services.

Governmental services include police, fire/EMS, parks, street sweeping/plowing, administration, courts, legal, planning, and building.

Business services include water, sewer, storm drain, and sanitation.

The money received on the monthly utility bill for business services does not pay for governmental services, and not all governmental services are paid for with property tax. To summarize:

Property Tax pays for

  • Parks and Trails
  • Police
  • Fire and EMS
  • Street Plowing and Street Sweeping

Property Tax does NOT pay for

  • Culinary Water
  • Sewer
  • Sanitation
  • Street Maintenance
  • Storm Drain

Why the Increase?

In case you missed it, The City Council spoke about the Property Tax Rate in the Council Meeting held on June 25. Without going through Truth in Taxation, the Property Tax Rate slowly decreases over time.

The desire with this rate adjustment is to maintain the same level of service provided in property-tax-related governmental services while also battling inflation costs. By restoring the rate of .001441, the goal would be to maintain that level of service going forward.

Let’s look at an example:

The average home value of South Weber City in 2024 is $550,000. With the rate of 0.001441, the average annual amount the City would receive from Property Tax is $46.58 more than what would be received with the Certified Tax Rate. That is $3.88/month. If your home value is more than $550,000, the annual amount will be higher than the $46.58. If your home value is less than $550,000, the annual amount will be lower!